All writers think once they upload the content in the plagiarism software and it is giving hundred percent original content results and he is happy and sending to the client. But the client rejects the work; the reason is the writer has checked the plagiarism in the wrong place. The right place is completely different, the right place must have to be the latest one and made in the recent year. For an example now we are in the 2020 year, the software must have to be created in the latest version, in that case, all the content is checked in the millions of the websites and finding the result that the content is hundred percent original.
Know more about plagiarism checker
Only for this reason now writers and students are checking in online website they are happy about their result, the reason is a teacher or the client is not rejecting the work and paying the writer, the teacher is approving the content and providing the marks for the student. A wise student creates his content of his own, at the same time, dull student is ordering the content with an agency, of course the agency has only retired teachers as their staffs and those staffs are handling the subject carefully and checking the content in the plagiarism checkers of the latest version and sending to the student.
A teacher with the ego is not checking his content in the Plagiarism checker the result is the content he created is not hundred percent original and five percent copied, the student takes to the teacher, the teacher sends back the content as the content is not hundred percent original. Of course, the good agency does the work again and provides the new content. The bad agency never does this job, at the same time; the students are avoiding such bad agency to give the writing orders. However, latest software only can give the good results after checking with the billions of the websites and produce the good result.
Importance of top quality plagiarism checker
However, even one percent copied content is not approved by the major search engine, of course not only the major search engine, all the other search engines too. The reason is all the other minor search engines are following the very same method of the major search engine is following, so the work should have to be honored by the search engines. The waste of time and money when the content is copied from the other search engine, content can be had from the website, but it must have to be rewritten by the writer, there is no mistake in taking content from a leading website wise people understands this clearly.