Tips on Reducing Commercial Waste

Every business struggles with reducing waste. Waste disposal is very expensive, as well as detrimental to the environment, so finding ways to reduce it just makes good business sense. There are many ways you can reduce the trash in your building without spending a lot of money.

Trash Reduction

  • Go to a paperless system – Those lengthy reports can be emailed to the group, so don’t print out dozens of copies. Encourage your employees to print double-sided when copies are needed.
  • Buy in bulk – It is estimated than almost one third of all solid waste is generated from packaging. Whenever possible, buy supplies in bulk. This will significantly reduce the packaging waste that you accumulate, and it will also save you money. Investigate switching from single-use containers to reusable options as well.
  • Place labeled bins around the plant to encourage employees to recycle. A quick training session will help them understand the importance of putting waste in the proper receptacle.

The Next Step

Once you’ve taken care of the low-hanging fruit, you can step up your recycling program by purchasing a trash compactor or baler. The initial investment can be substantial, but as the costs of trash removal continue to skyrocket, your return on investment will be well worth the effort. There are many styles and sizes of compactors designed to meet the needs of every type of business.


Balers are used to compact recyclable materials into small bundles for easy storage and pickup. Cardboard, paper and many plastics can be recycled.

Commercial Trash Compactors

Commercial trash compactors are designed to reduce non-recyclable garbage, such as food waste, into compacted bundles for easy disposal. They are ideal for small retail shops and restaurants.

Industrial Trash Compactors

These compactors can handle wet or dry waste and are available in vertical and horizontal styles. A self contained compactor is advantageous because it collects fluids inside a chamber, preventing leakage and reducing odors. Since it is sealed off completely, it also deters animals from scavenging.

  • The vertical compactor compresses the waste by imposing pressure from the top down. It takes up less space than the horizontal machine, making it ideal for accessing through a wall or off an outside dock.
  • The horizontal compactor forces the pressure in a left-to-right fashion. Since it can compress large volumes, it is better suited to a manufacturing plant that generates a lot of waste. Some models can be configured to work automatically, making them less labor-intensive.

Take waste reduction efforts seriously in your business. Mother nature and your pocketbook will appreciate the hard work.

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