Has your company recently started SEO blog writing as part of a revamped marketing strategy? If so, you may have discovered that running a successful and attractive blog that’s truly memorable for readers can be trickier than it looks. Because content has exploded in recent years as a popular and effective marketing tool, there’s plenty of competition on the internet for readership – and search engine rankings. However, there are some tried-and-true ways you can make your company blog memorable, professional and attractive to your readers to get them coming back post after post.
1. Set a Posting Schedule and Goals, and Check Back In Regularly
Blog readers like to know they’ll receive reliable and fascinating content on a regular basis, so even if your writing skills are communicating company messages well, an inconsistent or unpredictable publishing schedule could be hindering your blog’s chances at success. Instead, set a regular posting schedule and some key goals you want your blog to reach, as well as a timeline by which you’d like to accomplish those goals. If you’re extra ambitious, you can even tell your readers when to expect new content – say, a new post every Tuesday and Thursday. Don’t forget to check back to old posts regularly, too, since readers might have left comments. Responding to some blog comments in a professional manner can help establish more of a connection with potential customers.
2. Discuss Both Your Company Specifically and Current Industry Trends in General
If your blog topics get too repetitive, readers may get bored and click away. However, you also don’t want to write about a vast variety of topics that are unrelated to the products or services your company offers. Instead, you can find a balance by discussing company offers specifically and industry trends in general. A good rule of thumb is to alternate post topics – for instance, if your last post was all about explaining a new product to your customers, the next post can be about the top technology trends to look out for in your industry this year. The variety will not only help keep your readers’ attention longer but can establish your blog as a truly authoritative voice in the area as well – a win-win situation!
3. Fine-Tune Your Writing To Strike a Unique, On-Brand Personality
Without a consistent tone, your readers may find browsing through your blog disorienting and a less-than-pleasant experience. Keeping your writing consistently on-brand may take some extra effort during the write-up stages, but it can go a long way in helping to solidify your brand image and provide a pleasant reading experience to customers. Consider running a few blog workshops for your employees to help fine-tune and standardize the tone you want to take in your posts.
4. Find the Special Niche That Will Keep Attracting Your Readers (and Customers!)
Finally, no matter how regularly you post and how widely your topics vary, the key to maintaining your current readership – and even expanding it to attract a new set of customers! – is finding a unique niche that gives you an edge. Sticking to your branding is one thing, but knowing what it is that your company can uniquely offer in your posts is another. In your blog posts, try to write about unique angles, special takes or interesting products that your company is known for. This long-term strategy will help establish your business as a trendsetter and an industry go-to, and the special niche will help keep readers’ attention.
Turning your company blog from a small niche for your closest customers to a big draw for wide readership and expanded consumer demographics can help boost your business. If you want your company blog to truly stand out yet be effective and professional, make sure to try these prudent and stress-saving strategies.